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Readers of the World,
 Welcome to my website. Have a look around and feel free to find information on and links to my debut, and so far, only novel. It’s called White Knight. If you enjoy twists, turns, action and adventure with exotic South Korea as a backdrop, this may be the novel for you. I’d be so appreciative if you give it a read.
 Check back regularly for updates on any future books that I will put up on the virtual shelves at some point. I’m presently writing the follow-up to White Knight. It’s called Black King and should be out next year. Watch this space.
Duncan James

Author Duncan James

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  • Hi there, I just came across your new site and saw that you’re getting started with WordPress – something I’m well experienced in! It’s always thrilling to see how new websites unfold. Building a website is not always a simple task – are you doing this on your own or do you have a developer to help you out? Regardless, I can’t wait to see how your site progresses. If you ever need to discuss anything WordPress-related, feel free to drop me an email at [email protected], or message me on WhatsApp or Telegram.

    Kind regards,
    Mahmud Ghazni
    WhatsApp: +880 1322-311024

    • Duncan James says:

      Hi, Mahmud,

      Thanks for your email.

      I got my website developed through

      Kind regards,

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